Sugar Cookies Slodych With Raisins
390 g
1.99 €
(5.10 €/kg)
Cookies "Slodych" with raisins, 390 gr. - sugar cookies of a rectangular shape. Pieces of raisins are visible in the cookies, which add a pleasant sweetness to the confectionery product with some sourness
per 100 gr
Sugar, preservative: potassium sorbate, dye: beta-carotene, aroma, antioxidant: concentrate of a mixture of tocopherols), in: refined refined refined deodorians in natural and modified form, including soy , water, emulsifiers: Polyglyceric esters and fatty acids, mono- and digliercerides of fatty acids, salt, sugar, preservative of potassium sorbate, acidity of citric acid, aroma, beta-carotene dye, ascorbic acid, alpha-tochopher), preservatives (preservatives) Sulfur dioxide), inverted syrup, eggs eggs , dry milk dry, baking forces (sodium bicarbonate, ammonium bicarbonate), vanilla powder (sugar , Vanillin aroma, vanilla extract extract), iodized salt (potassium iodine, agent against melting potassium ferrocyanide), Stearoil-2-Aisales emulsifier sodium. It may contain traces of peanuts , sesame s seed of, cinnamon, honey.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store at 18 ° C ± 5 ° C and relative humidity
not more than 75 %.
not more than 75 %.
Cookies "Slodych" with raisins, 390 gr. - sugar cookies of a rectangular shape. Pieces of raisins are visible in the cookies, which add a pleasant sweetness to the confectionery product with some sourness. Raisins enrich cookies with such elements as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B5.The cookies are a great treat for a festive sweet table.
Manufacturer information
Phone: +375 17 355-15-30
Address: ul. Radialnaya, 54/2, 220070, g. Minsk, Respublika Belarus
